For the book project Car Go Bike Boom, which Eric Poscher and Jürgen Ghebrezgiabiher are currently finalising, Eric compiled a collection of Cargobikes Icons representing the major construction types of currently known cargobikes models.
Iconic Design means a reduction to the minimum needed to recognize the differences between the types. So this time, compared to some Icons I did previously for a cargobike retail shop, I left all similarities to specific models away, so the icons can be used in any context or publication.
The Cargobike Archetypes Icons are released under Creative Commons License and available at Noun Project as Cargobike Archetypes Collection. You are welcome to use the icons by giving attribution ( CargobikeArchetypes CC by eric poscher ) or pay a small license fee at the noun project site. (Dual Licensing Scheme used by noun-project)
This is the latest version of the Cargobike Archetypes Infographic. If you wish to publish a complete Infographic, you have to ask for permission first.
CARGOBIKE ARCHETYPES are featured in the following publications:
Design Decisions:
- Iconic Design that could be used for books as well as traffic signs.
- Useful to differentiate types of cargobikes.
- Reduced to the maximum to show differences of these bikes.
- Type of application of the cargobike has been ommited by design.
Type of superstructure has been left out as well as the type of seat (recumbent seat vs. saddle) or type of steering (cable vs bar etc)
If there is demand for that, Icons for Child seat, Grown-up seat, Lockable Box, Bag, Windshield, Roof, Dogs cage, could be added. - If a different model appears that has distinct properties and Frame Design, please let me know in the comments below. A new type/icon can be added to the set if more than 3 bikes of that type have been created.
- For now, it's cargobike Archetypes and sometime in the future there might be more bikes like Tandems etc..
- Wheel Size can differ between models.
- Low-Step through Frame Design (see comment from Todd Edelman below)
Submitted by Todd Edelman (not verified) on 21. July 2017 - 4:13 Permalink
Nice, comprehensive and
Nice, comprehensive and helpful, but why no low step-over bikes aside from the botome examples? With many or most of these "archetypes" low-step is the default. Isn't this male-normativity as bad as the ubiquitous double-diamond pictogram?
Google "Amsterdam cargo bikes": In my results in the first ten rows (44 or so relevant images), only one bike is high step-over.
Also "Singletrack" most often seems to refer to a type of mountain bike infrastructure... i realize that this looks diff. in the German language. :-)
Submitted by ep on 21. July 2017 - 16:00 Permalink
Thanks Todd for your comment,
Thanks Todd for your comment,
Sorry for the embarassing "germanism". I thougth singletrail would be the path you ride mountainbikes on. What's a better term for that?
I added some of my design decisions below the image. Low & High step Frame was not so much a criteria. Most Dutch LJs are Low-Step thats right. Also e.g. the Longtail could have been made with a larger rear wheel, but It seems the small size is getting more common recently.